martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013

Our planet

1. - Unplug electronics when not in use . For example : Computers , microwaves , air conditioners , copiers , printers, etc. ...
2. - Turn off the lights when you are away from the office . Use light saving bulbs , these are more expensive than normal , but last up to 8 times longer and use one-fifth of the energy to give the same amount of light as a standard bulb .

3. - Try to use rechargeable batteries or plug in appliances to the mains. If unavoidable the use of disposable batteries , these should not be riots in the trash . Instead , separate and place in a separate bowl , because they contain chemicals that are toxic .

4. - Use water rationally . Use hot water only if necessary . Install a filter or water jug to save the bottles. Do not leave keys open to avoid waste , fixing leaks , repair any leaks immediately and possibly reinvest the water for other activities.

5. - Driving less and using public transport . Another good option is to walk or use other means of transportation that does not pollute . In case it is necessary to leave in the car to go to work , share it with colleagues or neighbors.

6 . - Wondering if you really need a product before buying it. Any consumer that is not essential is anti -ecological . In the event that this item is essential , try to buy products that pollute less the environment.

7 . - Think before throwing anything away and see if you can reuse, recycle , repair, or if it is useful for someone else.
8 . - No wasting disposable items such as napkins, tissues , toilet paper, etc. ...

9. - Replace the plastic cups and cardboard, which are disposable , for ceramic or porcelain cups or glass cups that can be re- used on another occasion .

10 . - Avoid using plastic wrap and / or aluminum ( cans ) , instead , use reusable or returnable containers .

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